Security Escorts

Security Escorts from APOD Group assist by monitoring and leading uncleared personnel through controlled access areas within specific and sensitive information facilities. They maintain the integrity of secrecy within organizations and grounds.

If you want to ensure that non-cleared personnel, such as janitorial, maintenance, or contractors are not accessing areas they are not permitted, a security escort can ensure your secure areas remain uncompromised. Ensuring accurate accounting of entry and exit and surveillance while on site, APOD Group can ensure all persons and materials entering a facility have been inspected.


We can assist with escorting VIPs or high profile personnel on site. We are also able to provide security oversight and capture contraband from entering facilities. Additionally, we can assist with classified material destruction or personal possession inspection.

The APOD Group is trained to think critically and use good judgement when determining how to react and/or report potential breaches in security. We use established policies and procedures to promote a safe, compliant, and secure environment.

Whether you need assistance verifying identity of individuals entering on a regular basis into a facility, or need event-specific security escorts, we can monitor individuals and control prohibited materials from entering the facility and prevent sensitive materials from leaving the facility.